Brian Mast Wins Congressional Race In Florida’s 18th Congressional District

Stuart, Fla. – Brian Mast has successfully flipped the Congressional Seat in Florida’s 18th District from Democrat to Republican. He is celebrating with supporters, friends, and family in Stuart tonight, and is looking forward to representing the voters of District 18 in Congress.

Brian Mast: “I have had no greater honor than serving my country, and I would like to now thank the voters of Florida’s Congressional District 18 for granting me the opportunity to serve again.

“I am humbled by each volunteer who has given so generously of their time, resources, and the work of their hands, which has made this entire campaign possible. Most importantly, I am thankful to my wife, Brianna, and our three children, Magnum, Maverick, and Madalyn, for their love and support throughout.

“I decided to one day run for Congress while lying in a hospital bed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2010, as I promised my wife I would not let the best example I could give our children, or the best defense I could give our country, be something that was only in my past. Though my military service had come to an end, my battle for our nation’s future had just begun. Our challenges in life are opportunities in disguise. As Americans we are fighters, as Americans we are resilient, and as Americans, we will overcome all odds.

“My priorities have not changed now that I’ve been elected – I will do everything in my power to repair our waterways, strengthen our national security, reform the VA, keep Social Security safe for our seniors, lower taxes, and protect the sanctity of life. It is my duty in life to protect the Constitution, and to make our country a better place for my children, and for your children.

“My commitment is the same now as it was in combat. I will serve with everything I have. I will do it selflessly and with courage. I will do it, above all, with a sense of duty to each citizen of our great community and to the United States of America.”

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