Category: America First

January 22, 2021 • Brian Mast

Looking Ahead

While Democrats in DC are singing a song of unity, their actions this week have sent a different message (no surprise there…). 

They have rushed forward with an aggressively radical agenda that includes shutting down construction of the border wall, lifting travel restrictions for terrorist-harboring nations and stopping deportations of illegal immigrants. 

What do all these orders have in common?  They help people from other countries at the expense of American citizens.

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January 19, 2021 • Team Mast

Our Freedom Of Speech

As I’m sure you’ve seen by now, CNN host Jake Tapper last week questioned Congressman Brian Mast’s commitment to defending democracy in America – even after he lost two legs and a finger fighting for our country in Afghanistan.  

That’s his right to do so exactly because heroes like Congressman Mast fight to defend free speech.

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January 16, 2021 • Brian Mast

Service Before Self

This week my commitment to democracy was questioned by CNN’s Jake Tapper.  

I can tell you it is unwavering. I nearly gave my life for our country, and I still would today.

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