Brian Has Been Busy! Blog

March 19, 2021 • Team Mast

Brian Has Been Busy!

The liberal media likes to denigrate and attack Republicans, so you don’t often hear about the big conservative wins. But our America First Congressman Brian Mast has been getting it done!

Just recently we’ve seen Brian:

  • Deliver historic funding for Everglades restoration
  • Help small business owners connect with coronavirus recovery resources
  • Push back against censorship from Big Tech and from liberal media hosts who came after him personally
  • Introduce legislation to combat radical Islamic terrorism
  • Fight to expand vaccine access for veterans
  • Introduce legislation to combat harmful algal blooms and protect coral reefs
  • And more!

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March 18, 2021 • Brian Mast

The numbers don’t lie

Even the DC media is being forced to admit what Joe Biden won’t: there is a full blow crisis at our southern border.

This was from PBS: “you have a White House that is wanting to say that there’s not a crisis at the border, but the numbers don’t lie.”

And then the Associated Press got real: the Biden Administration doesn’t “have a plan at this moment to get this under control.”

Instead of addressing this crisis immediately, like President Trump would have done, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are pushing more amnesty for illegal immigrants!

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March 11, 2021 • Brian Mast

Defend Our Children’s Education

I’ve been working to get schools in our country reopened, which even Joe Biden’s CDC says can be done safely. 

But Democrats in DC have instead caved to the teacher’s unions that want to keep schools closed as long as possible.  

Democrats in the House of Representatives even voted to prioritize building a train in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco over providing mental health resources for children who have been locked out of shut down schools.  

But I’m also concerned about the kind of education our children will be getting once schools do re-open.  Some of the “woke” indoctrination that radical school districts are subjecting future generations to is shocking.

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March 7, 2021 • Brian Mast

Biden’s Big Crisis

Did you see this alarming news from Axios?

“Six weeks into his presidency, President Biden is staring down a mounting crisis at the border” and “the lives and welfare of vulnerable children hang in the balance.”

Plus, the New York Times reported that the Biden Administration actually “plans to release parents and children within 72 hours of arriving in the U.S.,” and they’ve already started!

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March 5, 2021 • Team Mast

Urgent: Support Law Enforcement

Democrats just made their intentions of Defunding the Police known loud and clear.

When Republicans put forward an amendment that expressed support for our brave law enforcement members, and condemned the anarchist calls to defund the police, not a single Democrat in the entire House of Representatives supported it!

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March 5, 2021 • Brian Mast

Have You Seen Pelosi’s Latest Power Grab?

This week, as our country is still recovering from a pandemic, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats passed legislation that would funnel taxpayer dollars directly into their campaign coffers.

It’s clear that they are willing to do anything to win elections and keep hold of their power – they will even use OUR tax dollars to try to do so!

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March 2, 2021 • Team Mast

Democrats Want To Appoint A Speech Czar

House Democrats have made it their mission to silence and censor conservative voices, and this week they’ve set their most ambitious goal yet.  It’ll have HUGE implications for the future of free and fair elections in the United States, so we need to act now!!!

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February 25, 2021 • Brian Mast

Exposed: Biden’s Shadow Diplomats

Axios News is exposing Joe Biden’s cabal of shadow diplomats that are sweeping back into power:  

“Members of President Biden’s foreign policy brain trust are shifting back into the highest levels of government after spending the Trump era working together in many of the same powerful policy groups and lucrative business ventures.”

Why it matters: 

“Think tanks that have employed senior Biden officials such as the Center for New American Security and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace both accept large contributions from foreign governments and multinational companies that will undoubtedly be affected by Biden administration policy.”

“And firms that have employed some of those officials, like business consultancies WestExec Advisors and the Albright Stonebridge Group, generally do not disclose their clients.”

All America First patriots should be concerned about the damage that these shadow diplomats will do with their newfound power. 

And now we know what their first move is:

We cannot let these shadow diplomats implement a new strategy of appeasing terrorists!  And we cannot let them undo President Trump’s America First foreign policy either!

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February 2, 2021 • Brian Mast

Protect Medicare!

Despite pretending to care about “unity,” Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and their allies are now using arcane procedural rules to rush through trillions of dollars of spending without ANY Republican support.

And by doing so, they could wind up gutting Medicare programs that thousands of Florida seniors depend on!

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January 24, 2021 • Brian Mast

A Huge Double Standard

Conservative voices are being SILENCED. 

While Big Tech allows the Chinese to brag about genocide and the Iranians to talk about wiping Israel off the face of the map, they have banned President Trump and thousands of conservatives from the site. 

They are removing tweets they disagree with in an attempt to censor conservatives like you and me. 

You may recall that my opponent in the last campaign even published a hit list of conservatives to target with violence with absolutely no repercussions!

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