REJECT Drilling in the Everglades! Blog

October 29, 2021 • Brian Mast

REJECT Drilling in the Everglades!

In case you haven’t seen it, there have been proposals recently to allow oil drilling projects in the Everglades!

This is something that I wholeheartedly reject.  We can’t allow our waterways to be put in harm’s way as a result of this reckless drilling plan.

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October 28, 2021 • Brian Mast

Democrats are shredding the evidence

The State Department just confirmed that there are still hundreds of Americans trapped in Afghanistan desperately trying to get home.  This is officially the Afghanistan hostage crisis. 

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Democrats are now trying to shred the evidence:  

Every last document, record, communication, correspondence, email, text, transcript, summary, agenda, and report is evidence of potential treason and MUST be preserved so we can get down to the bottom of why Joe Biden is sentencing Americans to death.

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October 27, 2021 • Brian Mast

Endorsement Alert!

This past year and a half has made it even more clear – the brave police officers who risk their lives every single day deserve to be defended, not defunded.

Too many Democrats have taken a different approach, catering to the demands of the mob, siding with these Antifa anarchists over the men and women who wear the badge.

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October 26, 2021 • Brian Mast

5 Facts The Democrats Don’t Want You To Know

This week, Democrats are trying to ram through $2 trillion worth of tax increases, which would be the largest increase in decades. 

Here are 5 facts they won’t tell you (and the liberal media is hiding also):

  1. Their plan violates Biden’s pledge by hiking taxes on earnings of more than $30,000.

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September 3, 2021 • Brian Mast

Help Elect More Veterans

As the only bomb technician on the ground with my assault force each night, it was my job in the Army to ensure that my guys made it to and from each target safe from explosives.

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August 17, 2021 • Brian Mast

Pelosi Docked My Pay

This is officially a constitutional crisis…

Nancy Pelosi just docked my pay for refusing to abide by her unconstitutional mask mandate! Plus, Capitol Police have been ordered to ARREST anybody who doesn’t abide by her authoritarian rules.

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August 10, 2021 • Brian Mast

Send the water south!

On Monday, the Army Corps will make a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT in the process to rewrite the Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule, and the sugar industry is already gaming out how to manipulate the next phase to their advantage.  

They are rounding up politicians to send letters with their talking points, threatening lawsuits, and inundating reporters with spin from their political operatives.

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August 8, 2021 • Brian Mast

Biden Keeps Claiming Credit For Trump’s Accomplishments

When Joe Biden visited a small business in Chester, Pennsylvania to take credit for economic recovery, that same business had just months ago received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan from President Trump.

When Kamala Harris did the same thing at vaccine sites in Colorado and Nevada, the vaccine availability was actually a result of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

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April 11, 2021 • Brian Mast

Pelosi’s Big Scam Exposed

To Nancy Pelosi, the pandemic was just an excuse to funnel $1.9 trillion in taxpayer dollars to her special interest allies and far-left agenda. 

While Pelosi touts the $1,400 stimulus checks as a way to help families, the reality is the cost to every taxpayer was a whopping $12,000 that’ll eventually be owed back to the government.  Here’s how the scam works:

FIRST: The government sends you $1,400, but spends another $12,000 on your behalf. 

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