I lost two legs serving in Afghanistan. Veterans need you today.

Exactly one year ago today, Joe Biden’s incompetence handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban – abandoning the mission where I lost two legs and part of my hand serving our country.

Joe Biden left Americans behind enemy lines, resulting in the death of U.S. service members, and he also sentenced thousands of Afghans who were our allies to death.

Even a year later, he has still not learned the most important commitment of our soldiers: we do not leave men or women behind. As a result, Joe Biden does not deserve to have the words “commander” or “chief” anywhere in his title. If you agree, please help me defeat him and stop his disastrous America Last agenda.

For me, this is a particularly heart-wrenching disaster…

On the evening of September 19, 2010, I was moving across the battlefield in Kandahar, Afghanistan narrowing in on a high-value target. As a bomb tech, it was my job to clear the way for the rest of our team by finding and disposing of any improvised bombs.

That was the night I discovered the last explosive device I ever found by stepping on it. I remember every moment of the explosion, down to my teeth rattling so hard I wasn’t sure that they were still in my mouth.  The only reason I am alive today is because when that bomb went off, my fellow soldiers ran towards the danger.  They saved my life.

The next thing I knew, I was in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. I looked down to the end of my bed where my feet should have been sticking up, but they weren’t. Every day since when I wake up I am reminded of my time in Afghanistan. The remnants of this war are going to last me the rest of my life, but I am one of the lucky ones—I made it home.

I still fear to this day that I’m going to turn on the news and watch one of the interpreters who helped my team and I get beheaded on TV. Thanks to Biden empowering the Taliban, that’s a very real possibility.

So, I’m asking: just like I relied on my fellow soldiers in Afghanistan to save my life, I need to rely on you now. Can I count on you to help me hold Joe Biden accountable?

Even if my injury cut short my time on the battlefield in Afghanistan, I’m determined to stay in the fight for America First now.

As of today, my Election Day is in just 8 days (not 3 months like so many others…just 8 days), and I’m running in a brand new district with thousands of new voters who have never heard this story before.  I’m almost out of time to reach them before they decide my fate. 

Afghanistan almost ended my service to our country once before. Please, don’t let it happen for real on this one-year anniversary:

But, I’m not just running for myself – I’m running for all of the Afghanistan veterans that Joe Biden spat on when he abandoned the mission.  I’m running for everybody who questioned in the aftermath whether their service and sacrifice to our nation in that fight was worth it…

For them, we must come together to defeat Joe Biden, elect more conservative veterans to Congress and restore the America First agenda that President Trump championed.

Please, don’t do it for me – do it for them.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your continued support – especially on a day like today.

In service,

SSG Brian Mast, U.S. Army (ret.)

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